User group


What is Accelerate?

“Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations” is a book written by Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble and Gene Kim.
It is based on the research in the State of the DevOps reports and covers how to measure, and improve, software delivery performance. 

Why a user group?

There is science on how to write software at scale! 

This user group is for language agnostic knowledge sharing on the findings in the State of the DevOps report and the book Accelerate.

According to the 2021 report, the 26% that perform the best have 6570 times shorter lead time from commit to deploy than the 7% lowest performer, while having a three times lower failure rate. 
That is the extremes. Where is your team?

The research also shows that the same practices that help deliver value, for the user and as company profitability, also decrease risk of burnout. 

So the software industry can do better in many ways. To quote Jurassic park “I bring scientists, you bring a rock star.” 

This user group is for those who listen to scientists, and what to help each other implement the findings in the research.