Data Alliance

Two talks on Data

Hugo Hjertén: Creating data that is trustworthy and reliable
For data to be truly valuable, the data must be trustworthy and reliable. In this session Hugo will share 3 concrete steps for working with Data Quality for ensuring that you, your team and your data earns and keeps the trust from your consumers. 

1. Prioritise Data Quality Dimensions together with your consumers
2. Measure the prioritised quality expectation and use cases, and continously share the results of the tests
3. Have a strategy for acting on data quality incidents.

Erik Munkby: The smallest of RAGs for your GenAI
The Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) architecture is one of the fastest approaches to customize your LLM with your own data. So in this talk I will take you through what a RAG is, show an example architecture together with a live demo, and finally present some use-cases beyond "chat with your data”.

About Data Alliance
We believe that all views are equally important in our world, regardless if you’re a data engineer working your way through an obscure data model, a software engineer helping your fellow colleague understand the data generated from your application, or a product owner viewing product metrics. We therefore want to gather everyone into the Data Alliance to share their past and current struggles and/or solutions, no matter if they were successful or not. These experiences will spark illuminating discussions for everyone involved, especially the presenter.

Two presentations à 10-20 min and an open discussion with the audience after each one. There will be time for food and mingle somewhere in the middle of the event. Do you want to present something at a future gathering? Please reach out to us at and we’ll find a time slot for you.


Erik Munkby - s a passionate, down to earth developer always chasing real results. Embodying the t-shape he works across Cloud, Data Science and Machine Learning without a sweat. A calm tutor and a life long learner, ask him a question and you might have a friend for life.  

Hugo Hjertén -  has worked in the entire Data Stack, and is the most passionate about improving the data developer experience; good DataOps! When not tinkering with data, you will likely meet Hugo when he's out doing a long run. If you're lucky you might even get to try one of his sourdough breads.


17:30 – 17:45 – Meet & Greet
17:45 – 18:30 – Presentation
18:30 – 19:00 – Meet & eat
19:00 – 20:00 – Q&A