Azure Skåne User Group

Secrets of the Cosmos

Azure CosmosDB is known for its supers powers. Multi-model, highly-available and lightning fast. But before launching into the deep space of this extraordinary cloud database, let us stay grounded and talk about the fundamentals. What are the common pitfalls in modeling data? How do you design and optimize your partitioning strategy? What are the tradeoffs to consider as the application grows and relationships between entities become more complex? Let's have an open and honest conversation around our data persistence choices and how we can best avoid the black hole of cloud database conundrum.

**This event will also be live streamed on YouTube, so anyone can watch it here without signup:


Marilag Dimatulac - is a tech community leader who aims to bridge the skill gap through equal distribution of knowledge across borders, cultures & individuals. Her deep technical knowledge in Cloud and Software Engineering, combined with her passion for mentorship and developer wellness, drive her to tackle the tech upskilling challenge, through advocacy. She’s the organizer of Azure User Group Manila and Denmark, an Azure MVP and the co-founder of the not-for-profit tech upskilling organization, Marilag is also a tech entrepreneur and the CIO of Dewise, a cloud development company based in Copenhagen and Manila.


17:45 – 18:00 – Meet & Greet
18:00 – 18:45 – Presentation
18:45 – 19:15 – Meet & Eat
19:15 – 20:00 – Q&A