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R User Group

Improving your data visualizations with ggplot2

In this first event for the newly founded R User Group Malmö-Lund (aka SkåneR), we will explore using the ggplot2 package and its friends to create informative and beautiful data visualizations with R. We will cover the basics of ggplot2 and introduce ourselves to several online resources that will help us improve our data viz skills, no matter your previous experience. Beginner friendly, so bring your R curious friends!

We will also discuss the path ahead, so think of themes and speakers you would want to see at future events. 

Bring a computer with R and RStudio installed to participate in the workshop.


17.30   Meet and Greet

17.45   Introduction

18.00   Data visualizations with ggplot2: basic principles and helpful resources 

18.30   Meet and Eat

19.00   Workshop: Get inspired by #TidyTuesday to create and share your own data viz from available datasets

19.30   Brainstorming ideas for the bright future of SkåneR

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