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Azure Skåne User Group

How to Secure (eliminate) Azure workload secrets end-to-end

In this session Alex will give a walkthrough about various ways to secure and eliminate Azure workload secrets with a combination of built in native Azure features and automation.
More specifically, he will give a live demo of Azure workload secret rotation using Azure Key Vault as a secret store.
Azure Key Vault event triggers will then be used to trigger an Azure function.
The Azure function's managed identity will be granted the necessary Azure role assignments on the Key Vault and the App Registration representing the Azure workload to generate a new secret and write it back into the Key Vault.

**This event will be published on YouTube later on; you may find it at:


Alex Heyman - works at Leo Pharma as a Senior Cloud Engineer (Indie Hacker), He considers himself as a Microsoft technologies advocate and an Azure expert. He has over 6 years of industry experience as well as running a few personal projects that have seen massive success. He wants to share his cloud expertise with the rest of the tech community.


17.15 - 17.30: Meet and greet (offline)
17.30 - 17.40: Welcome and intro
17.40 - 18.40: Presentation (Alex Heyman)
18.40 - 19.10: Meet & Eat
19.10 - 19.30: Mingle + Q&A (offline)

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