DevOps Skåne

From DevOps Teams to Platform Teams and what did we solve?

DevOps was never intended to be a role, and certainly not the function of a team. However, many organisations looking to implement DevOps did what they do best: create a function around it and start a team. One can argue, however, that DevOps teams did ultimately have a positive impact. Since Platform Engineering became the latest hype, many teams are being rebranded from “DevOps” to “Platform” with an apparent focus on Developer Experience. With this new buzzword, can we finally figure out what DevOps teams were supposed to do?


Jacob Lärfors - I like to help teams with Continuous Delivery and Cloud. Currently I spend most of my days in AWS, Kubernetes (EKS), ArgoCD and Terraform. I live in Helsinki, Finland with my family. I like technology, music and juggling.


17:30 - 17:45 Meet & Greet
17:45 - 18:30 From DevOps Teams to Platform Teams and what did we solve?
18:30 - 18:50 Pizza & Drinks
18:50 - 19:30 QA/Continue Discussion